3/7/2009 Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, VA

   BrotherG  (3/9/2009 1:45:13 PM)

Hats off to "the boys"-a fine performance to be held up to any of the best Phish shows I've seen in the now holy "mid-nineties." Thank you for putting yourselves and your creativity out there for the rest of us to enjoy once again. As for this who's better business, c'mon! Get over it. Phish probably wouldn't be Phish if it wasn't for the Grateful Dead and others and the Dead wouldn't be the Dead without the countless bands and musicians that shaped them. It all works together, kids. That's the beauty of the whole thing. Music means something different to everyone and serves a crucially important function in all of our lives. They're both great! Quit comparing and start enjoying for what it is-celebration of life!!

   MilwaukeeMike  (3/9/2009 11:44:13 AM)

this is great! thank you for allowing these shows show quickly! feel like Im there! cant wait till June! yeeeeeeahhhhhhhhh!

   BellingPhan  (3/9/2009 11:09:45 AM)

Sounds Sooooo Good! There were errors and the jamming was thin, but the amazing feeling of a live Phish show was achieved - and I listened to Mr Miner's No Spoilers at home and Saturday's show snowboarding yesterday!
I know some Phans are being tough on the boys. I think you are doing great. I loved the shows and I love you guys and the crew.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

This was a big risk to come back and play. It is a risk to your legacy and to Trey's sobriety - and I appreciated that with every song.
So, while those who feel entitled to "a mid-90's show" are more vocal - know that there are thousands of us out here who loved the shows for what they are - the best god damn rock and roll concerts of 2009! And love you guys for who you are - brilliant, courageous artists.

Long live the Phish!

   phishstix  (3/9/2009 10:59:04 AM)

Grateful DAD...you're a bonehead. Dark Star is actually the worst jam song I've ever heard...I try so hard to get into it, and it sucks. that's not jamming...that's called eating a bunch of acid and smoking too much week then making sounds. Sorry. By the way, have you ever heard a phish song?

   WORDDD  (3/9/2009 9:40:52 AM)

Wish I could have been there, stacked setlists for sure. gonna give a listen now to check it out. I really am sick of the snobs that post here being way to over critical, I don't care if you've been to every show since '92, you guys gotta get a life and appreciate the band you love so dearly. I've seen them at the best and there worst, and I take it all with a grain of salt. the one thing I know for sure, every show I've been to, I've had a hell of a time, so don't forget it's all in fun. And grateful DAD, go put on some blacklights and have an acid flashback and jerk off to your jerry shrine, theres more jam in this band then you're balding head has eaten in you're washed up lifetime.

   Mike Stein  (3/9/2009 9:38:15 AM)

Hey Grateful DAD when was the last time Grateful Dead did a 12am to 6am set on New Years like Phish the ULTIMATE Jam Band did at Big Cypress? or How about when was the last time the Grateful Dead did an hour long Jam on the top of a control tower like Phish did at the IT show (i believe that's 23 minutes longer than your Dark Star) TAKE THAT UN-GRATEFUL DAD!

   PhishRips  (3/9/2009 9:37:07 AM)

But how much of the 27 mins has been tuning??

   JohnB  (3/9/2009 9:29:08 AM)

If you don't like it then don't complain/tie up this sites bandwith. Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful all weekend long. See you in June.

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