3/7/2009 Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, VA

   analyze this  (3/8/2009 12:44:08 PM)

a big middle finger to all the over analyzers out there, you suck! i'm happy they are back. it's a feeling that can't be put into words. people hating and over analizing free download of 2 awesome comeback shows are the REAL TOOLBAGS! lets see you play these tunes better or spread this much joy. shut the fuck up and dance. save the analysis for your small penis.....

   Bobo  (3/8/2009 12:37:01 PM)

WOW! Guys, thank you for the free shows! Paul, really these sound fantastic! You guys sound excellent after a well deserved break. Simply wonderful to hear such fresh Phish. Please consider playing New Mexico again...Cheers!

   dscann  (3/8/2009 12:32:11 PM)

WOOHOOO! Been waiting for this for a long time! Realtime setlist updates and pics from the shows, free downloads, music that just bleeds fun... thanks guys from all of us that can't be at the first outing in person. Can't wait for Alpine Valley and some "pure joy" live!

   A>B  (3/8/2009 12:29:21 PM)

I think it's called groupthink. How about a critical review?

Everyone wants to be all goo-goo-ga-ga over this reunion. You tools, this is exactly what they meant when they said, "Phish could urinate in the ears of their audience and everybody would happily lap it up."

With that said, why doesn't somebody offer a critical opinion. I already did, and all I got in response was "You're not a real phan." You don't even know.

Consider it a challenge. Analyze the show, and offer a constructive opinion. That's what a real "phan" would do.

I don't want to hear back from anybody about how much of a "phan" I am. To boot, the guidelines for this form explicitly state the following:

"While we appreciate your time and comments, we respectfully request that you refrain from including the following in your review:

* Commenting on other reviews visible on the page. Other reviews and their position on the page are subject to change without notice."


   anonymous  (3/8/2009 12:28:11 PM)

Some good moments here and there, but doesnt hold a candle to Friday's show. Melt was out of sync, and Hydrogen flubbed a bit. Many of the songs just seem to wander and fade quickly. Hope Sunday brings some tight and longer jams! So glad Phish is back though!!!

   SideshowNYC  (3/8/2009 12:23:49 PM)

After 15 years, it is still a great thrill to hear new shows. It is amaizing to see the fellas enjoying themselves so much! Thanks for the shows!

   thedudeabides-nj  (3/8/2009 12:23:32 PM)

THANKS PHISH!!! I'm so happy that you've returned to the stage!!

So far, it sounds like you're having fun and feeling the groove. My first show was Lemonwheel, and I've seen plenty of shows ever since, including Big Cyprus. I feel like I can really tell the difference between when you are listening to each other on stage and when you are just playing through the song because the notes are correct. You know what I mean? Well, as I am listening to these new sets, I definitely feel the music sounding fresh and energized. Of course, we all know that the raucous spontaneity of those "one-of-a-kind" moments cannot be recreated (especially those of the early 90's when much of the material was really gelling) or forced. But it is clear to me that the band is allowing those moments come again naturally. I hope whoever reads this gets what I'm saying...wow...I just re-read what I wrote and I don't think I get what I'm saying. LOL!

Keep jamming, Phish! See you at Jones Beach!!

   Mike  (3/8/2009 12:16:24 PM)

Thanks so much to everyone who had a hand in putting these shows up for free. The band, the sound people, the site admins, the guy who brings Alhambra water to the website office, and the janitor who re-stocks the toilet paper backstage... all you folks deserve a big thanks!

Awesome Music!

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