3/7/2009 Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, VA

   Joe  (3/8/2009 7:53:12 AM)

I think these shows sound pretty good for 5 years apart! the energy is great and i wish i was there tonight!

   Devin  (3/8/2009 7:51:20 AM)

I think the decession to release these to your fans for free is A++++++. Shows caring and concern. I think in the long run this will increase sales of the flac files because we will remember. Unfortunately I am broke and cant justify that expense, but I really appreciate it. Thank you Phish. LOVVVVING YOU BACK!!!!!!!!!!
To the critics--- Music is for relaxation and enjoyment!! Be thank full they are back together. give it time. Life is still better with Phish then without remember that! Love and Dance Devin

   Ben  (3/8/2009 7:50:12 AM)

I'm so glad to be able to listen to Phish again! Admittedly, these shows don't compare to old-school Phish, but hey its PHISH BACK IN ACTION AGAIN! These first shows are meant for the boys to get a feel for playing live together again, so they have kept the songs pretty straightforward in order to get back in the swing of things. I think that as this tour progresses we'll see Phish sway back towards the heavy, thick jams that we're accustomed to.


   deathcubek  (3/8/2009 7:40:20 AM)

Excellent show! Thanks so much for the free shows, they sound amazing! See you at Alpine.

   Dan from Hampton  (3/8/2009 7:39:20 AM)

Thank you all so much for making the shows available so quickly and easily. I live about a mile away from the Coliseum and was not able to get a ticket, like so many of my local friends. It kind of seems unfair, but that's life. All that aside, listening to the shows brings back the same emotions and feelings that I enjoyed years ago. I hope I get to see them play live again, but if not, I will always love the band for changing my life when it seriously needed changing. Thank you.

   TSO  (3/8/2009 7:38:41 AM)

Well, I've listened to two shows thus far and I'm just not sure yet... Set lists are good, but execution is still not there...yet... But, I must say, I did not expect them to be tight after such a long time apart and anyone that did was fooling themselves. But what is going on with the singing? Trey seems to be holding back and the timing is just lagging. One person's opinion.

   joe dudeman  (3/8/2009 7:35:16 AM)

awesome guys yes thats so cool of you for letting us download these sick i think i miss you guys i so wish i was there for these but i get you guys for camden burghettstown and good oool verizon wireless never have i been happier

   AWest323  (3/8/2009 7:34:23 AM)

Thank you very much....see you in Alpine Valley!!!! AND WHAT ABOUT THE GORGE????

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